Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: Canyon de Chelly National Park is awesome!!

Musings about Geocaching

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Canyon de Chelly National Park is awesome!!

I woke up on the third morning of my adventure in the campground at Canyon de Chelly National Park and quickly packed up my sleeping bag, Thermarest pad, and tent so I could get some pictures while the sun was still low in the sky and the shadows most dramatic.

At the first viewpoint, I walked over to one side to take a picture and was surprised when the ground in front of me dropped away. It just disappeared . . . The sandstone cliffs drop six and seven hundred feet straight down from the top of the mesa.

The Anazazi people built dwellings here because the cliffs offered them protection from predators and enemies, and the fertile ground in the valley below sustained their crops.

I drove along the entire south rim, finally getting to the Virtual cache which required me to take a picture of myself with Spider Rock in the background. I took my tripod with me and set it up and turned on the camera's self-timer. After pushing the shutter, I hurried to get into position. As I stepped down from one ledge to the other, I stumbled and turned my knee, imagining what would have happened if I hadn't caught myself . . .

Here are more pictures of Canyon de Chelly, a place I hope you get to visit someday.

This is another view of the spectacular spire of Spider Rock.

The welded tubes guide your eye to the cliff dwellings on the opposite side of the canyon.

The white washed walls of the room in back of these ruins gives them a unique look.

Off to the west behind me, the view was hazy, but still incredible.

I wished I could have taken the North Rim drive as well, but I still had many miles to go, so I reluctantly left the astounding canyon area and headed towards the Four Corners Monument, a place I camped one night many years ago when I was returning from a three-day photography seminar in Telluride.


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