Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: Hiking the fire-ravaged Horsethief Canyon

Musings about Geocaching

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hiking the fire-ravaged Horsethief Canyon

Ever since the trail reopened into Horsethief Canyon I wanted to venture down there to see the devastation again, and see how many plants were beginning their recovery.

I went down the trail that descends to the east and found nothing but total devastation for a long way. The only plants that were beginning a recovery were the Yuccas and Nolinas.

Down near the creek, there was finally an area that had not succumbed to the fires. I found some moss-covered boulders very close to the creek and hid a medium-sized tin there. The sound of the water from that location was wonderful.

This is all that is left of a large oak tree.

On the trail out of the canyon, there is a great view of Secret Canyon, which did not burn.

At the end of the hike, I talked to two young woman from SDSU, encouraging them to check out the other great hike in this area, the ridge to Gaskill Peak. I also pointed out the daunting Lawson Peak looming in the haze.

This is the profile of the hike:


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