Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: The "Keep on Truckin'" Geo-Campout was a great success

Musings about Geocaching

Monday, October 31, 2005

The "Keep on Truckin'" Geo-Campout was a great success

I arrived Thursday night after finding several caches along the way. The drive was beautiful, with high clouds making the usually plain-blue sky very spectacular.

Today, I finished logging all the caches, some 43, that I found, along with seven or eight caches I didn't find. One of them had been archived, but for some reason, that information wasn't included in the Pocket Query I ran right before leaving.

I have many more pictures to share, including one of T.R. Violin that I thought turned out really good.

I took that while all of us were taking a break at 17-Palms after finding the "Prospector's Post Office" cache.

I was FTF on T.R.'s "S-22 Desert Cache," which was quite an adventure, considering I thought I only had to walk .18 miles to get to it.

Huge washes kept blocking my path so I had to keep trying a new direction, and another new direction, and another new direction before finally figuring out how to get to the place where I knew the cache had to be hidden.

There is much more to write about, and many more pictures to post, including this one of P.T.'s and my Chaco sandals at the "Hydro Cache."

Anyone who has hiked to that one probably thinks we are nuts to wear sandals, but they are so comfortable, I'm glad we have worn them to places we shouldn't have, like the Twin Peaks caches.

So, I'll work on this some more over the next few days. I would like to "flesh out" the details of the wonderful adventure of camping with lots of really great people.


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