Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: The Keen People maptool is up and working again

Musings about Geocaching

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Keen People maptool is up and working again

Whoo Hoo! Finally. I love the Keen People map. I just created three new ones. One that shows the caches I found on my trip from Reno to San Diego, another that shows the caches I found on my trip last spring up to Joshua Tree National Park, and a closeup view of the caches I've found in San Diego County.

A friend bought a truck up in Reno, so we flew up to drive the truck back to the San Diego area. On the way back, I found a few caches along the route. I wrote about that trip on 7/28/05.

I made the map at 1024 by 768 resolution to get all the detail on this map showing the caches around Yucca Valley and the Virtual cache at Salvation Mountain out in the Imperial Valley as well as the San Diego County caches.

This map was also made at 1024 by 768 resolution. I adjusted the size of the map by designating the latitude and longitude and narrowing the result down to just 1 degree by 1 degree. After creating the huge maps, I saved them to my hard drive and then in Corel PhotoPaint, cropped them and resized them for uploading.


  • Thanks . . . I was deeply affected by the tragedy in New Orleans and have had a hard time getting back to working on the blog.

    By Blogger Miragee, at 1:10 PM  

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