Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: Lawson 4 was conquered

Musings about Geocaching

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Lawson 4 was conquered

More to follow . . .

Here is our group on the top.

Lawson 4

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Thursday, December 1, 2005 . . . update:

We met at the trailhead and finally started our ascent up the road around 10:45 a.m. We walked and talked up the road, deciding not to find the caches on the road up until we were coming down.

We stopped to view our goal where the road finally levels off.

A little further down the trail, Princess Toadstool surveyed the rocky goal.

The huge boulder to the right is the one my GPSr bounced down when it leaped from my fanny pack as I was taking a picture from that location.

From the top you can see Gaskill Peak and in the distance Cuyamaca Mountain.

duganrm took this picture of me coming down the slot we probably should have found to go up . . . although even this route would have been a challenge.

It was a great adventure with wonderful company. The walk back down the mountain seemed to take longer than the hike up. Maybe it was because the goal had been achieved and we didn't want the experience to end.


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