Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: Another day without Geocaching

Musings about Geocaching

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Another day without Geocaching

My power was out the other day while they did some work on the electricity out here, so I took that opportunity to go into town to do some grocery shopping, and some Geocaching.

That day, I actually did the grocery shopping. There have been a few days since I started this hobby/sport/activity/obsession when I have gone all the way into town to run an errand and then "forgotten" to do it, or run out of time to get it done after searching for Geocaches on my way--or not--to the errand.

While I was in town the other day, I took this picture, which is the reason I am not out today hunting down some of the 552 Geocaches I have in my GSAK database.

It is my understanding that the prices went up another ten cents later that same day. So, I sit at home while wiley Geocaches wait for me and I wait for gas prices to moderate, as if that is ever going to happen.

On other days when I have stayed at home, the Groundspeak forums have been more entertaining . . .

Maybe my house will finally get cleaned today . . .


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