Blog Template Musings about Geocaching: The Powder Can Cache deserves its own entry

Musings about Geocaching

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Powder Can Cache deserves its own entry

After our hike in the morning to "Laura's Memorial Cache," we found a few more caches and then had to make a long drive down S-2 before turning off onto a rough, wash-boarded single-lane, high-clearance-vehicle-only road towards the trailhead for the "Powder Can Cache."

We made it to the trailhead and after finding Lanie's Cache up the hill, set out for our destination. The trail was sandy, and made for more difficult walking. I walked off the trail a few times where the vegetation was sparse because the hardpacked soil was easier to navigate.

As we got closer to the cache, more evidence from a bygone era appeared. There were several cisterns near these ruins.

The tumbled rocks were fantastic, and made more interesting by the diffuse sunlight under high clouds. Since the temperature was 106° when we started out on our walk, the high clouds were also welcome for their shade.

If there is a woodpecker out there, it must really have a headache . . .

I could have spent a couple of hours scrambling around on the rocks, taking pictures from all different angles, but there was a cache that needed to be found, so I caught up to the guys at the ammo can where we looked through the log book for a little while before adding a Red Jeep to the rest of the contents and starting our way back to the vehicle while we still had water in our packs.

We took a little side trip off the trail to find an Archived cache owned by Travelita. M2 had some "stale" waypoints in his GPSr, otherwise I wouldn't have known about it. The cache was in a wonderful location, one I hope to get back to again on my next trip out to the desert.

We finally arrived back at the vehicles and started back out, attempting to find our way through the tangle of roads and trails. We stopped for a cache I found before called "It's in the can, man." That could be a very mean cache, especially if you have the feeling you are being watched.

We finally found our way out and back to S-2, made a quick stop for M2 at the evil rock garden cache in Ocotillo, and were on our way home, just five hours behind "schedule."

It was a fantastic day. I feel so much better out in the desert, almost like I am a different person. The health limitations I have fall far into the background and completely disappear from my experience. When I get back home, and when my health takes a bad turn, I need to remind myself I will feel better if I just drive out to the place I first learned about from a book—in a college English class—many years ago. I still have The Desert Year by Joseph Wood Krutch in my small library of books.

It might be time to take it down from the shelf and reread it until I get a chance to return to the desert for another adventure out there, hopefully when it is a bit cooler.


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